Well, everyone thinks writing is hard. What this introduction presupposes is… maybe it isn’t?
A tradition unlike any other.
It’s fair to say that air travel isn’t what it was. However, there are a few exceptions — cheat codes, if you will…
Everyone’s doing it, so you might as well be prepared.
“But Paris was a very old city and we were young and nothing was simple there, not even poverty, nor sudden money, nor the moonlight, nor right and wrong nor the breathing of someone who lay beside you in the moonlight.” – Ernest Hemmingway
We maxed out every credit card offered to us and made student overdrafts look laughable. We’ve been applauded and laughed at. Told that surf is dead in Europe, that Skate print is dead too and that the entire industry is fucked. And fuck it we’d agree to all of that to a certain extent.