February 6-9th, 2025 | St. Anton am Arlberg, Austria | Photography by Perly
“This week sees the 4th edition of the Arc’teryx Freeride Academy return to St. Anton am Arlberg where 15 of Arc’s world-renowned snow athletes, head up four days of clinics, free events and experiences at a leading freeride destination in Europe. This year, the Academy expanded its offering to over 400 clinic spots led by world-class guides in snowboarding, splitboarding, ski-touring, avalanche safety, and photography for all different levels. These are clinics and workshops which take place on the mountain, led by world-class mountain guides and professional athletes – Academy clinics are an opportunity to learn technical skills and put them into practice in the field.”
As we watched Perly, our resident snowboard photographer (turned coastal enthusiast) disappear to the mountains once again for Arc’teryx’s infamous Academy, naturally we wanted to know more – what was the academy part all about? Having checked the upcoming roster we set our sights on Victor Daviet; one of the many riders who attends and helps run the Winter clinics. We grabbed him briefly via cell as he was boarding his flight to Austria for said Academy.
How would you best describe Arc’teryx’s Freeride Academy?
It’s a gathering for everyone; either pro athletes, people from the company or any kind of passionate people about the mountain.
How many times have you attended the different academy’s, and where?
So there’s there’s both Winter and Summer editions…I’ve been to two of them in Whistler, two of them in St. Anton and three of them in Chamonix.
This is the 4th edition in St Anton. How have you seen this location progress as they roll over year after year?
The village they set up for the event is getting a lot bigger, more and more people are attending! It’s just getting more professional. Oh and the the parties are getting gnarlier (laughs).
There must be a lot of different positives for the people attending, what do you think the highlights are for the people who come to these events?
Honestly, having the opportunity to be with pretty big legends from the team and learn from the best. Also being with the guides from the clinics is a really unique opportunity. For what you get the prices are affordable – I don’t think Arc’teryx make any money on these events, they just do it to educate and bring everybody together. It’s even a great opportunity for the freeriders to learn, so I think it’s a pretty cool concept.
Arc’teryx definitely bring an extensive roster of athletes. Has this made you travel and ride with people you wouldn’t normally find yourself with?
Yeah, definitely. Every season we’re always spread out, doing our own projects, some are into competitions, others are in the mountains shooting, and especially with other sports, we don’t really gather during the Winter. It’s always a good time to see the other athletes and obviously party, because when you put good friends together that’s what’s happening.
Where is the best watering hole in St Anton?
The craziest has to be King Kangaroo… I’m really not a big fan of the Jägermeister though, it reminds me of my younger days.
Best and worst thing about Austria?
Best? The powder, schnitzel and apple strudel.
Worst? Jägermeister at King Kangaroo.
A personal highlight from these academy’s for yourself?
There’s definitely a few…
In the winter academies, sharing my passion for splitboarding or carving with passionate people, that’s always really amazing. They are always amazed that they can learn from my experiences, so that’s pretty cool. During the Winter Academy’s we (the snow athletes) have to work pretty hard, but the Summer we don’t have to work as we’re like the clients, so we can enjoy the clinics that our friends, the climbers, the alpinists are doing which is pretty insane. I’ve been got to climb routes without any rope in Chamonix, stuff like that has to be up there.
An anecdote to finish on?
Last year at the Saint-Anton Academy we all went to a restaurant on super old Austrian sleds. You know those old school wooden ones? The whole team was riding down the mountain after quite a few drinks at dinner which was pretty hilarious. We had no idea how to use them…
How can people get involved in the future?
There’s the site where people can register online. Also if you follow the different athletes pages, so you know which athletes are going where, and that’s it.
Do you want to attend some of Arc’teryx’s Freeride clinics? Click here to find out how.