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Originals, Videos January 31, 2025February 6th, 2025

CPH Open: The Wasted Talent Journal

Video by Robin Pailler | Photography by Carles Medina

If you’re familiar with the Copenhagen Open, you’ll know that since its inception in 2007, it’s blown up to become arguably the biggest annual skateboarding event in the world. Every year thousands of people descend upon Denmark’s capital, alongside the international professional skateboarding elite, for a week of celebrating skateboarding in all its glory. 

And this year was no different. Except it was.

2024 saw the CPH Open take its event on the road—from Copenhagen to Athens with stops at Berlin, Munich, Innsbruck and Milan en route. Logistically it sounds hectic. But if there’s anything CPH Open is known for, it’s rising to the challenge.

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Having been held up in Amsterdam for 24 hours due to a flight cancellation, our arrival to the first stop in Berlin was late. Rushing straight from BER airport to Dogshit skatepark, we still managed to catch the final 15 minutes of the demo. Which was long enough to see Louie Lopez tear it up and Mr Copenhagen Open himself, Kevin White, float a delightful backside flip over the YETI cooler. In true Berlin fashion, torrential rain followed and we all retreated inside for dinner and drinks and a relatively early night by all accounts.

The following day saw our core CPH Open group meet at Central Station—consisting of CPH Open founders Simon, William and Keld, alongside Kevin White, Kevin Bradley, Christian Henry, Ish Cepeda, Johnny Pfarrer and Don ‘Nuge’ Nguyen. Quite the crew. With a scheduled departure of 2pm, we were expected to arrive in Munich around 6pm. This was until a fire broke out in the kitchen and the entire train was forced to evacuate in Leipzig. Cue a detour via Fulda before connecting back to Munich and arriving at 10pm…in the midst of Oktoberfest, a Bavarian beer carnival I do not care for one bit. Especially when you’re trying to navigate your way through large swaths of drunk men wearing ridiculous lederhosen outfits with a ton of camera gear on your back and janky luggage that should have definitely been replaced before the trip.

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The next day we meet at Munich’s legendary core skate shop Soo Hot Right Now. Within a few minutes we’re greeted by one Evan Mock, fresh off a flight from the U.S. but looking as suave as ever. He’s swiftly followed by Scandi legends, Arto Saari and Rune Glifberg, who are driving the entire trip in Rune’s trusty BMW. It’s not long before the Nike SB and Converse CONS crew arrive. It feels like the CPH Open we all know is beginning to kick in.

Torrential rain means the outdoor demo is cancelled. Luckily the local Skatehalle opens its doors to save the day. Unfortunately, the skate hall itself is the size of a shoebox—yet somehow 100+ people squeeze in—the inevitable chaos ensues. Oski and Ville Wester in particular going all out. It might be one of the most exciting demos I’ve ever witnessed. The only sour note is Hugo Boserup taking a board to the mouth. He seems to be fine despite the river of claret running off his chin. A few stitches and he’s back in the game.

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The following day sees us cross over into Austria. Innsbruck to be precise. And of course, we’re greeted by more rain. Cue more indoor skatepark sessions, followed by a heavy session in the pool hall. If you’re unaware, Nuge might be the undisputed champ, as skilled with a pool cue as he is on a board. Luckily the weather flips by the following morning and we’re greeted by clear skies and sunshine. Naturally, the infamous Eduard-Wallnöfer-Platz is on everyone’s agenda. Two-time Olympic gold medalist Keegan Palmer gets a special mention for going all in before breakfast is even digested.

By lunchtime we’re back on a train, albeit this time with double the crew. It doesn’t help that it’s Sunday and the entire universe seems to be heading south on this precise train. There’s bodies sprawled in every free space imaginable. Climbing over fellow passengers to reach the drinks carriage is a mission in itself. Ville does the honours and brings back a crate of Pilsners. Sadly it’s a farewell gift. As we arrive in Verona, Ville departs for a flight to Canada to link up with the Dime crew. With an hour to wait in Verona and the crew fired up from a long train journey sipping beers, an unscheduled demo takes place in the plaza opposite. Even KB skates.

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Having maxed out the local pizzeria, we finally begin the last leg of our train journey to Milan.

No offence to Bavaria but Italy sees a delightful uptick in fortunes. Good food. Good wine. And good weather. Time flies when you’re having fun. Before we know it we’re back on the road to our final destination, Athens. But not before a shitshow at Bergamo airport. Upon arrival at midday for our 2pm flight, we learn that every single flight is delayed following the first arrival from Barcelona at 7:20am crashing on the runway. Thankfully no casualties, but all four wheels exploded, resulting in the landing gears becoming immersed in the concrete. We’re assured that our flight will only be delayed by a few hours. Of course, six hours later, our flight is cancelled. We manage to salvage the last seats for a flight from Malpensa the following morning. Cue a trip back across Milano. Unfortunately the taxi rank queue is about 250 people long without a taxi in site. Uber is requesting €350+ for a 30 minute ride. Instead, we opt for the €12 coach and by 8pm we’re back at Centrale, eating focaccia and sipping Birra Moretti’s. 

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After a week on the road, we finally touch down in Athens; despite my utter exhaustion, there’s very little time to recharge. In fact, it’s only now the CPH Open officially starts. You can tell from all the OG’s arriving fresh faced. Koston, Janoski, Brian Anderson, Steve Olson, Tim O’Conor. Even Kevin White’s dad is here. It appears the party is only just getting started.

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Over the following four days, the Greek capital got a true taste of what CPH Open has to offer. With so many antics taking place it would take another three articles just to summarise. 

From Eric Koston’s demo session on Lycabettus Hill overlooking the city, to pole jam sessions into the ocean, from B2B DJ sets from Nuge & Evan to Oski tearing up every corner of transition the city had to offer. Athens got to experience the world’s biggest skateboarding event in all its glory and a celebration of what makes skateboarding one of the most diverse, innovative and cultural art forms on the planet. No matter what colour, class, religion or ethnicity—skateboarding is a celebration of human unity. And I think we could all do with a little more of that right about now.

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Get a free copy of our CPH OPEN journal with any purchase of our VOL XV magazine & tote bag.