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Sarah Meurle is a photographer and Skater based in Malmo, Sweden. She grew up in the Malmo skate scene, but moved away to Gothenburg to go to art school. She has always been interested in photography from a young age, but didn’t start merging her two passions – skate and creating – until much later on. When she did, the result was incredible.

Sarah describes skating and photography both as ‘trial and error’ interests. You’re always following failures with success and vice versa, and always chasing to try something new. Take five out of your day to get to know one of our first ever Db Skate ambassadors. In this season of Pack Heavy, Chase Light, Db follow surfers, snowboarders, artists, connectors, entrepreneurs, business builders, photographers and storytellers. While their jobs may be different, they are all connected by shared values on creativity and building their own vision of the future. You can’t apply for any of the careers these folks have because most of them just threw caution to the wind, said fuck it, and went after their dreams.

This season, our dearest Sam Moody (Creator) and Hallvard Kolltveit (Producer) work their way around the world hanging out the back of cars, flying on tour with Swedish House Mafia, partying in New York and touring the beautiful Basque Country.