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Vignettes January 27, 2023February 11th, 2023

Una Corona Por Favor

Photography by Jascha Müller-Guthof

If you’ve ever spent time in Berlin, there’s a good chance you’ll have crossed paths with our dear friend Jascha Müller-Guthof.

A man of many talents, Jascha is a tall, handsome, long haired, blue eyed German (who happens to speak fluent French & English) who you’re likely to come across if you’re ever wandering around Tempelhofer Feld or passing by his shop just around the corner called Hase.

Anyway, we digress. Having graced our digital screens in 2018 with his vignette from a trip to Portugal, Jascha’s latest collection of photos come from a trip to Mexico last year. A successful trip by all accounts, although he did catch covid and was forced to quarantine in a tent watching everyone surf perfect waves out front. A minor hiccup in the grand scheme of things and one we’ve all had to endure in some form or other during the past 3 years. But without further ado, Herr Müller-Guthof

“When a pandemic becomes endemic, your energy bills make your absence cheaper than your stay in Berlin, use your (western, white) privilege to fly to Mexico, buy an old and rusty Ford Ranger (tinted windows, cool) and two surfboards. Have cold coconuts and fish on the beach. Surf a lot. Read books about neocolonialism and exploitation, and come to terms with questioning your own behaviour while addressing our systemic failure and the forces of denial and deflection (hallo inactivists, fossil fuels). These are the photographs, reflecting an outstanding time in a land filled with extraordinary people. Thank you.”