The ever productive Cinquieme Terrasse return with their latest offering.
Under the ever watchful eyes of Elliot Bonnabel and Thomas Vigoureux, Kitty B features all the usual suspects at all the usual spots, beautifully capturing the spirit of the Parisian skate scene in full force.
Featuring Nicolas Gisonno, Lilian Fev, Morgan Katomba, Etienne Chatelain, Quentin Boillon, Axel Thomas, Armand Vaucher, Marca Barbier, Remy Taverira, Val Bauer, Marceau Pigeon, Antoine Plisson, Quentin Dalsiva, Will Samsun, Julien Riou, Ludo Mendez, Tom Abord, Arthu Myhill, Adrien Chabiron, Valentin Verd, Macéo Moreau, Kevin Oscan, Lilian Ceccon, Tony Rafanomezana, Antoine Rauber and Uryann Raudet.