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Portrait by Bridget Reichert

For this week’s film club we’ve been graced with a selection from Miss Caley Vanular.

Having first met Caley a few years back, we immediately knew we were in the presence of someone quite special.

She’s one of those humans who seems to do everything, with a sense of adventure that’s intoxicating. A professional snowboarder. A surfer. A photographer. A marketing pro. An entrepreneur. And someone with an impeccable taste in movies judging from the list below. She also wins the award for Canada’s most infectious smile.

And despite seemingly always on the road – her Instagram can cause travel envy – she still found the time to send us a list of cult classics well worth revisiting, as well as a more recent Canadian indie hit starring a friend she grew up with.


1) Lost In Translation, Sofia Coppola, 2003

You could say I am a bit of a sucker for body language and unspoken romances. This one in particular is so beautifully composed in an isolated travelling for work kind-of-way.


2) The Diving Bell and The Butterfly, Julian Schnabel,  2007

This film is burned in my memory as one of the first times I noticed filming. Edits. Cuts. It was my gateway film to learning more about the composition and art that goes into filmmaking. Alongside a sad but motivating true story, it’s a must see.


3) Almost Famous, Cameron Crowe, 2000

Had to include a coming-of-age film with a memorable soundtrack. Something about how this one all comes together is heartwarming… and I love Penny Lane.


4) Pulp Fiction, Quentin Tarantino, 1994

Films with blood, guts, violence, sex, drugs, memorable lines and leather freaks really do it for me. Pulp Fiction was my gateway to that genre so I had to add it to the list. It was between this or some post-apocalyptic sci-fi films.


5) Anne at 13,000 Ft, Kazik Radwanski, 2019

When I was like 10 and living in Niagara-On-The-Lake, my best friend was this gal Deragh Campbell… she always told me she was going to be a director. We would walk around town and create art through zines or photography or sticks. I learnt so much about music and art from this one and now you can watch her as the lead in this dizzy Canadian film about a young woman unravelling.