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From the World, Originals July 5, 2022August 3rd, 2022

System Is Yours: BTS with Craig Anderson

System Is Yours, A recent video offering from Former.

Reynolds, Ando, Benny Howard, Kaito and Droid feature in this fast paced surf film with an eclectic soundtrack to accompany some stellar surfing. With sessions from Australia to Central America, Mexico and Hawaii what could there possibly be to not like?

We touched base with Craig and got some brief behind the scenes intel from his time on the road with Benny whilst shooting. Scroll on down.


“Burch – Burch made an asymmetrical craft for me. Iv ridden it a handful of times and it feels great. I was hoping Dane wouldn’t uses those few waves on that board as they dont do it justice. That left point is really tricky to surf and Ry Craike I believe is the only guy that surfs well out there.”


“Benny – Not sure whose massage gun that is. Its definitely not Bens neither mine although I just bought one.. I have never even seen Benny stretch not even a forward bend to touch his toes. It must be nice being young and doing fuck all thats good for your body and still being able to surf well. I mean I dont do much but the odd yoga stretch and foam roller definitely is helping my old corps.”


“Benny pit – Benny and I weren’t able to travel much for this film project but we were able to get down south for a trip in-between border closures. Waves were fun, nothing amazing but nice to surf some empty hollow waves.”


“Dogs – My parents dog Bolt on the left and the dog belonging to my partner and I Bella on the right. Both kelpies and great company.”


 Benny takedown – Iv been training jiujitsu for a few years now. Just waiting for the day someone really fucks with me.”


“Finna dez – Jack Taylor with a dez angle.” 



“Bens dads farm – This is Ben’s dads house on his farm up the Mid North Coast. Just a beautiful simple home on a big farm where Bens dad Chris has about 80 head of cattle and a bunch of trucks and machinery.”


“Supers – Iv always wanted to ride a few waves out this spot. Just to see and feel how it would be. This day was crowded in the morning and looked really gnarly. I was almost psychd out but my mate Dorf encouraged me to paddle out. Everyone left as they over cooked it in the morning and it was just myself, Dorf out and my mate Maddog towed me into a few. It was a fun experience but I dont think ill be grabbing the rope for a long time.”


You can check the latest Former Merchandise drop now directly through Wasted Talent Boutique