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Three lovely humans having a grand old time in the Dominican Republic.

Kevin Jansen‘s latest short follows Grant Noble, Justin Quintal and Hanna Scott on a tranquil journey pursuing lefts in the tropics for a few days with no real plans, lots of piña coladas and an original soundtrack by Alex Lemire. It also sounds like there was an interesting encounter with a dude called Don judging from the video’s official caption we’ve attached below.

“With the an enforced curfew by the government all our days were over by 5pm. But it gave us time to meet the people staying in the apartment next door to us. Our neighbors name is Don. He’s an ex New York cop and he’d recently moved to the Dominican Republic full time. His children are well off, or so he told us. He’s one of those people who loves to talk and tell you very intimate things far too early. He told us his first trip to the Dominican Republic he met another ex New York cop who was neighbors with two prostitutes. His new friend, in Don’s words, told the two prostitutes to “show him a good time.” So Don had his first threesome at 70 years old. Two weeks later he sold all his stuff and moved full time to the Dominican Republic. We’d see him in the stair well of our apartment every so often. Some times out in the beach having a glass of wine in rum country. He also shaved his legs just above his knees but his swim trunks were shorter than where he stopped shaving, so he had a very distinct stripe of hair from just above his knee to the bottom of his swim trunk. From what I could gather Don was a big supporter of sex workers. All equally. But he was still a 70 year old man. So from time to time we’d see him bringing different prostitutes to his room while the sun was still very much out. The prostitutes version of a senior special I assume”.