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To say we’ve been waiting on this for a minute is an understatement.

Two years in the making, during the coronavirus pandemic nonetheless, Vans’ long awaited video, shot across London and Paris, is finally upon us. And we have to admit. Good things do come to those who wait.

Edited by our dear friend Sirus F Gahan, who put the hours into filming alongside Elliot Bonnabel and Austin Bristow and featuring a whole host of names (listed below), Much Quiet is a beautiful ode to the quality of skateboarding and skate spots in two of our favourite capital cities.

Featuring Danny Brady, Rory Milanes, Oscar Candon, Val Bauer, Helena Long, Sam Sitayeb, William Moneris, Nico Gisonno, Sam Partaix, Quentin Boillon, Lilian Fev, Alix Malnati, Alexey Krasniy, Jeanne Duval, Daryl Dominguez, Tom Delion, Conor Charleson, Chris Oliver, Jake Church, Marca Barbier, Curtis Pearl and Joseph Biais.