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The much anticipated full length skate film from Carhartt WIP is finally upon us.

Directed and edited by Octagon’s Joaquim Bayle, featuring cinematography by Angelo Marques, beautifully complimented with Romain Batard‘s exquisite fish eye filming, Inside Out is a meticulously constructed montage that blurs the line between visual art and quintessential skateboarding.

On top of all that, Carhartt’s skate team are ridiculously talented. Whether it’s Ibu Sanyang‘s insane pop, Sylvain Tognelli’s hippie jumps and technical prowess, Felipe Bartolomé‘s balls of steel, or back/front three king Remy Taveira; the boys came through, And that’s before we’ve even mentioned the likes of Matlok Bennett-Jones, Max Palmer and Pietro Tirelli.

And with Joseph Biais calling the shots, Inside Out is a testament to how important having skateboarders running the show, rather than your generic marketing guy, truly is when it comes to putting together a full length skate film.