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Originals December 15, 2021December 22nd, 2021

The Wasted Talent Holiday Gift Guide

We’re busy, all so very busy aren’t we? 

All the work. Just One More Zoom Call. Scrambling to wrap it up before the end of the year or at least until the out-of-office reply kicks in. Then there’s the plane, train, or ferry you still need to book to get home and all the catching up over drinks with friends at the home pub and checking the windy, blown-out slop at your home wave as the fourth hangover that week weighs down on you like a sack of potatoes and little tears well up in the corner of your eyes. Oh, the holidays! You feel like you’re doing everything at once yet you’ll forget a gift for your nan and she won’t ever let you hear the end of it. Things get missed. 

If you, like us, are anything but organised or just simply love mainlining the thrill of an on-the-spot purchase, you’ve come to the right place. A compendium of highly-excellent gifts you never realised you needed in your life until now. All ready to be left in the tender care of Stephane at DHL Biarritz before being gently placed on your doorstep. 

Just remember, for a guaranteed order in time for Christmas, our shipping dates are:  

The 20th of December for Europe.

The 17th of December for the rest of the world (including the UK). 


Adelio Chippa Wilson X Sketchy Tank 3MM Dipped Wetsuit Booties. 


The best thing about surfing in the cold isn’t the lack of crowds, no. The best thing about surfing in the cold is the gear. Top-notch, technically impressive, aesthetically-pleasing gear. Like these Chippa Wilson Adelio booties featuring limited edition artwork by California artist Sketchy Tank. Three millimeters, comfy enough to not feel like you’re putting your Doc Martens to wax, and, of course, good for airs.


Banks Journal Raleigh Jacket



If Ernest Hemingway was still kicking about these days, he’d probably have the most annoying opinion column in The New York Times. He’s living on a ranch in Montana and wearing this wool Banks number while he writes, though. Hard to admit it doesn’t look excellent. 


“Please Don’t Forget This” Photo Book by Andrew James Peters


Amongst the Netflixes, the Primes, and the Beeb’s iPlayer it’s easy to forget about the virtues of a proper photo book. Austyn Gillette. Jake Anderson. All the behind-the-scenes photography from the making of Former‘s “Audible Refuge” video, shot by Andrew Peters. Front and center of your coffee table. 


“Carnival” by Oscar O’Shea



Ever read, “The Kentucky Derby is Decadent and Depraved”? It’s an excellent stream-of-consciousness reporting done by a (at the time) young Hunter S. Thompson. A famous bit of American sportswriting that talks about how humans get all violent and animalistic once they’re given a bit of money and alcohol. “Carnival” by Oscar O’Shea carries on that spirit in a brilliant expose photo series featuring people that attended the Melbourne Cup Horse Races. It’s ninety-six pages of candid debauchery. Beautiful, terrifying. Eat your heart out, Ralph Steadman.     


Vans Destruct Mid MTE-1 Shoes



Runnin’ down the avenue / See how the sun shines brightly in the city / On the streets where once was pity / Mr. Blue Sky is living here today, hey hey… / Blue shoes, here. With traction, thermoregulation, and moisture management. Comfortable, too. No blue days if you’re wearing these.


Former Franchise Cap


Hats, then. A hat! Something that sits right on your head and looks sharp is a rare old thing. You’re not into flat caps because those are for mailmen, dads, and people who are way too into Peaky Blinders and bucket hats are for festivals and baseball hats are for Americans. But there’s this Former Franchise cap that’s in burgundy and it’s the business. Just what you didn’t realise you were looking for. 


Former Marilyn Long Sleeve Shirt



100% ring-spun cotton. 100% chance it’ll look good on you. Everything you need and nothing you don’t.


Epokhe Ceremony Glasses in Black Polished Amber



There’s something special about buying something cool you don’t need. Just for the fun of it. Ever see a pair of sunglasses and think I want those sunglasses? Well, you can have those sunglasses. Specifically, these Epokhe Ceremony’s in black and polished amber.  


Adelio Connor 5/4 Deluxe Hooded wetsuit



Some of us are off to Nova Scotia at the start of the new year and this Adelio Connor 5/4 Deluxe Hooded wetsuit better live up to its name or there’s going to be an international incident in that Canadian province. We’ve never had an issue with them before, though. In fact, if anything, we’re excited to break this one in. Don’t call the Mounties just yet.


Wasted Talent Tote Bag



Laptop and phone charger. Book you’re not going to read. Towel and board shorts and a few sneaky Augustiners to help the time pass for another perfect beach day. You can put whatever you want in our Wasted Talent tote and it’ll still rest perfectly on your shoulder.


Vans | Town & Country SK8-Hi 138 Deacon SF Shoes



Two great brands coming together in classic matrimony. Town & Country. Vans. On your feet and helping you go to and fro every aspect of life with steez. 


The Anti Blueprint Project by Jonathan Weaver


Realising you don’t need to fold to the common curve of reality? Reminders that you can still carve out your own path, no matter what part of life you may be in?  Remembering that you’re not the only one trying to figure this out, and we’re all in this together? All excellent lessons. And all covered in this book. Inspirational. Invigorating. All you need to keep the existential dread away.


Shop all this and more at Wasted Talent Boutique. Just remember to order by the 20th of December if you live in Europe or the 17th of December if you live in the rest of the world (including the UK) if you want it before the 25th.