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Ah, Paris!

How can you say no to any skate edit in the city? Historic landmarks peppered throughout the background, immaculate rail work, sketchy landings on all the cobblestones. 

We always love an appearance by M. Lucas Puig outside of the regular run-ins in and around our shared locale of Biarritz. Here, he got some of the other umbrella-logoed Hélas-adjacent gang together from every other corner of Europe. Think French hip-hop and b-roll of Grand Palais and Flo Mirtain, Marek Zaprazny, Thierry Gormit, Gauthier Rouger, Pedro Attenborough, Victor Campillo, Karl Salah, Mikel Vidal, Pierre Leze, and William Monerris and that’s what you have here. 

Filmed by Augustin Giovannoni and Vincent Jugnet.