It feels like Every Metal Neck piece you come across pulls on the nostalgia strings.
Hard to put a finger on the pulse regarding the “why” of it all… but the “how”? Well, that’s easy. The quick-to-build rock, the loose spirit of it all, and the colour grading that makes every frame seem like it could’ve been pulled from a mid-2000s issue of Transworld. It just works. Like its predecessors, Steppin Stoned looks like it could on in the hometown, beachside bar you hate to visit but go to over the holidays because you intend to catch up with old mates but instead mostly just nurse a pint and watch all the other Veeco productions that have also been playing on repeat there for the past 15 years. And we love it all the more for that.
The setup: Balaram Stack and Christian Fletcher spend some time in California together. They also jaunt down to Central America for a touch. The result? Another highly enjoyable Metal Neck number. See above.