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If your eyes are here, now, there’s no doubt you’ve heard us going on about an upcoming gallery show with VERO to conclude the Together Again photo competition.  

And now, the time has come. Our studio manager has swept the floors, polished the tile, and affirmed to us that the Wasted Talent Studio’s transformation into southwest France’s answer to The Factory is complete. 

All that’s missing is you. With a drink in hand. Take out the Montblanc and pen this into your daily planner: The 29th of November, an evening at the Wasted Talent Studio.   

On Monday…? Madness? Never. Fortune always favours the bold. Plus, our friends at Pentire will be providing gratis libations, and nothing pairs better with a long day at the office than a tonic-based number. Not to mention, the photos on display are beyond fantastic.        

Free entry. Free drinks. Wear your best coat because it’s November and layering is important. You know the drill… 

The gallery will remain open for the week afterward for your viewing pleasure. We’ll see you then.


Together Again Thomas
Sunset Over Shanghai
San francisco, OB onfilm
Together Again Bryan Novak