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Introducing the Eames and Globe collaboration.

One-hundred limited-edition decks made from eucalyptus wood sourced from one of the very trees that world-renowned modern architecture and furniture designers Charles and Ray Eames looked out on at their iconic home in The Palisades of Los Angeles. Eucalyptus is the connection, of course, with Globe’s foundations in Australia. Add that with Globe’s founders, the Hill brothers, penchant for skating, and the eucalyptus decks was a no brainer here.

These particular numbers come from tree #236, which stood next to the steps of the studio for many years. It was carefully removed as part of the Eames Foundation’s 250-year plan, which protects the Eames House and its picturesque landscape.

If you’re in Los Angeles, stop by the Eames House if you can. A self-guided exterior tour and a picnic on the front lawn overlooking the Pacific isn’t the worst way to spend a Saturday, Sunday, or school day. If you’re in Japan, stop by the “Eames Office: 80 Years of Design” exhibition at Isetan in Tokyo. These boards will only be available there. And if you’re in neither of those spots and are just stuck reading this here, you can learn more about the Eames Office and their work with Globe here.