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Video: Deflow/Oscar Valencia/Erwin Bliss – Cover photograph: David Pareja

From the wind-blown creeks of Fuerteventua for ‘Los Alisios‘, to crossing Spain West to East and North to South to score in Valencia and Portugal, we’ve had a great run at chasing waves (mostly blown left ramps) around Europe with Erwin.

Erwin has recently spent a lot of time going back and forth between France and the Spanish Basque Country, working with the Deflow lads on new pads models (exhibit 1 and 2) and filming for the accompanying promo video. Well known in the Wasted Talent office, these day-mission truly are like flipping a coin, either rewarding you with the certainty of clean 4ft walls peeling over mellow reefs, or leaving you starring at a flat sea wondering how you got there, and searching for the nearest Pintxo spot for a Gilda redemption.

Either way, after a few months of back and forth, Erwin and Deflow just released the whole package on the world wide web—an electric offering to say the least!