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Originals October 12, 2021October 23rd, 2021

Wasted Talent Studio x Mikey Wright

No other night in the calendar week really has more of a humming aura of potential surrounding it than Friday night.

Close your eyes and focus on those words: Friday night. You see it, don’t you? You see yourself closing your laptop. Friday night. You see yourself packing up your laptop bag, aware you won’t see its contents until mid-day Saturday, at the earliest. Friday night. You see yourself shouting, “FOUR PINTS PLEASE, MATE,” hoarse at the bartender you’ve queued twenty minutes, somehow, through a sea of suits and messenger bags at a pub that you and all your coworkers don’t even quite like, it’s just it’s down the road from the office so it’s convenient and you’re there. Friday night.

We’ll be turning the dial on this Friday up to 11 along with our good friends at Quiksilver. Think: warm food, cold drinks, music, a barber offering mullets for all looking to get a fresh cut.




Mikey Wright will be in attendance as well to debut his new Mongrel Tongue collection. Alongside some unseen-before B-side surf clips.

This Friday, the 15th, at the Wasted Talent Studio. Starts at 6PM. Ends at 10PM. We weren’t joking about the barber, either.

The Wasted Talent Studio will be open and offering exclusive Quiksilver vintage threads with free in-store customisation as well.

Beers, mullets, food, films, bad behaviour. We’ll see you there, 1800 sharp.