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Tom the Beer Cooler needed one last outing before lockdown grounded him for a bit.

So the Vans Europe and Vans Germany crew took him out on their recent tour of Morocco. You could say it was a bucket-list trip. 

Mid February is always a difficult time to pick a destination for a skate trip in Europe due to the winter. So the crew quickly decided to fly across the Mediterranean and check out the spots that the Kingdom of Morocco had to offer.

As if they knew that this would be the last time they could travel as they’re used to for a while, the crew blazed through the beautiful country without leaving a spot untouched. While chasing the sun and the warmth from Tangier all the way down to Agadir, there was no shortage of laughs, hijinx and good times.

Featuring Joscha Aicher, Val Bauer, Joseph Biais, Oscar CandonAxel CruysberghsDustin DollinFlorentin Marfaing, Jan Hoffman, Marco KadaAlexey Krasniy, Yeelen MoensVictor PellegrinChris Pfanner, Pepe Tirelli & Kalle Wiehn.

Filmed & edited by Max Pack & Paul Labadie.

Photography by Dave Van Laere.