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Several weeks back we published an article entitled My Summer with Andy by our good friend Evan Schell.

Well SUKA CITA is an audiovisual recap if you will, minus the stress of Hong Kong airport.

In summary, this time last year Evan found himself flying to Bali with San Diego based artist, Andy Davis, who was tasked with creating a collection of artwork with world renowned professional surfer, Rob Machado.

Andy painted a unique quiver of six surfboards hand shaped by Rob, as well as a series of paintings that all featured Rob’s likeness, patented style, & flowing locks.

Perched along the scenic & mystical cliffs of Uluwatu, Andy put the finishing touches on this colorful & stunning body of work in-between sessions at the historic lefthander that Rob has become well acquainted with over the last few decades.

“SUKA CITA” was hosted & supported by Drifter Surf Uluwatu and Uluwatu Surf Villas.