Kael Walsh has been a busy man of late.
After more than a year on the road collecting footage in Australia, Indonesia and more, Kael and filmmaker Wade Carroll finally just released the fruits of their labor, encapsulated into a 12 minute banger entitled ‘Soft Serve’.
We randomly found ourselves witnessing one of these Indo sessions in the flesh and seeing Kael punting 6 foot high airs on 6 foot closeouts over dry reef left us speechless. There’s nothing soft about ‘Soft Serve’, and the clip itself is without a doubt one of the best surf edits we’ve seen all year. From super sessions on his Western Australian home-turf (featuring guests Mikey Wright, Jay Davies, and Taj Burrow), massive airs under the tropics, to that mysto dredging right-hander from the end section, the film is an absolute heater and we highly encourage you feast on it right away.