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From the World June 25, 2020July 3rd, 2020

Noah Wegrich by Morgan Maassen

We’ve been hearing from a certain ‘Waggy’ for a little while now.

Hailing from North California, Noah Wegrich had already blew us away in Perry Gerkshow’s epic full length ‘Elude’ and his performance in Morgan Maassen’s latest video is no different. Following the formula of MM’s recent series of profile pieces, the film is a cinematic insight on Noah’s life—split in between his time at home and life on the road—and features some solid surf sections—a must watch indeed.

We’ll leave it with a few words from Morgan about how the two met & came up with the project:

‘I first heard Noah Wegrich‘s name over a surf contest loudspeaker almost two decades ago, but it wasn’t until early last summer that we finally crossed paths. We both met bleary-eyed in the Jakarta airport, on the other side of the world from our small California homes, with a slew of flights, busses and boat rides ahead of us still. Several days later, we arrived at our small island outpost, and Noah proceeded to steal everyone’s breath with his insane surfing. Threading barrels, sharp turns, massive airs… it was wild, but also so mature, as his smooth style made everything so natural. Countless adventures later, I’m proud to share this film exploring his talent at home and abroad, a short flick who’s filming process solidified Noah as one of my absolute favorite surfers.’