Posting surf and skate content seems a little redundant right now.
We all hold a collective responsibility in instigating change for the better.
For too long, racism, hatred, ignorance, injustice, police brutality and white privilege has been allowed to continue, unchallenged by the masses.
Change can only occur if we all strive to do better. To do what’s right. To engage in difficult conversations. To stand up for equality for all.
Our world is a more joyous, intelligent, advanced, open minded and loving place thanks to our black communities and multiculturalism in general.
We all have a voice and we all must ensure we use it for the greater good. To challenge our social structures and enforce a positive change for generations to come.
So whilst we definitely do not have all the answers – far from it – we do have a few suggestions below in helping each of us take the first steps in creating a better future for all.
One thing we can do is donate, no matter how small. Here are just a few we suggest.
Black Visions Collective
Black Lives Matter
Support 39 Community Bail Funds
Reclaim The Block
Color of Change
Support your community. Protest peacefully. Do not incite violence or destruction. If you are non-black then listen and follow the lead of black protesters and organisers. Remember this is not your fight, you are using your privilege to support, protect and raise awareness.
Thanks to NTS Radio for providing the 5 links below.
Ways You Can Help
Key Advice When Going On A Protest
26 Ways To Be In The Struggle Beyond The Police
BLM – #DefundThePolice petition
What to do if you can’t donate right now – a Twitter thread
There are literally thousands of books to help educate us but here’s a few.
Why I’m No Longer Talking to White People About Race by Reni Eddo-Lodge.
Exploring everything from eradicated black history to the inextricable link between class and race.
Any Book by James Baldwin. You can start with The Fire Next Time.
James Baldwin was an American novelist, playwright, essayist, poet, and activist. His work often explores intricacies of racial, sexual, and class distinctions in Western societies. The Fire Next Time is comprised of two essays written during segregation between White and Black Americans in the sixties.
How to Be an Antiracist by Ibram X. Kendi.
Ibram X. Kendi’s argument is simple. An idea, action or policy is either racist – that is, contributing to a history that regards and treats different races as inherently unequal – or it is antiracist, because it is trying to dismantle that history. There is nothing in between.
White Fragility: Why It’s So Hard for White People to Talk about Racism by Robin DiAngelo.
Robin DiAngelo’s book allows the reader to question themselves and interrupt their contributions to racism by exposing white privilege.
Uprooting Racism: How White People Can Work for Racial Justice by Paul Kivel.
Exposing white privilege & its benefits, placing it into context and showing how to fight it.
There’s undoubtedly a ton of websites offering endless recommendations. Google it.
I Am Not Your Negro, 2016, Raoul Peck
Based on writer James Baldwin’s unfinished novel, Remember This House, Raoul Peck’s documentary tells the story of race in modern America.
13th, 2016, Ava DuVernay
Ava DuVernay’s in-depth look at the prison system in the United States and how it reveals the nation’s history of racial inequality.
O.J.: Made in America, 2016, Ezra Edelman
Ezra Edelman’s Oscar winning seven and a half hour documentary is one of the greatest documentaries on race relations ever made. Whilst it charts the rise and fall of OJ Simpson, it simultaneously exposes the extent of American racial tensions before and after. An absolute must watch.
LA 92, 2017, Daniel Lindsay, T.J. Martin
Whilst the LA riots of 1992 are covered in the above OJ Simpson doc, Dan Lindsay & T.J. Martin’s documentary delves further into the civil unrest.
The Color of Fear, 1994, Lee Mun Wah
Over 25 years old but still as relevant as ever. Lee Muh Wah gathers two African American, two Latinos, two Asian American and two Caucasian for a dialog about the state of race relations in America as seen through their eyes. The exchanges put in plain light the pain caused by racism in North America.
La Haine, 1995, Mathieu Kassovitz
You’d be a fool to think systemic racism and social justice is limited to the United States of America. Europe and France especially, is deeply rooted in post colonial racial injustice and no modern film highlights it better than Kassovitz’s La Haine. Despite being 25 years old it’s as relevant today as the day it was made. A cinematic masterpiece.
Les Misérables, 2019, Ladj Ly
And if La Haine doesn’t highlight the misery, social and ethnical diversity in the treacherous suburbs of France enough, then Ladj Ly’s Les Misérables does a masterful job in highlighting how much work still needs to be done. Essential viewing, especially for those living in France.