Video, Photography & Text by Robin Pailler
What can we say about Rianne Evans?
First off, you won’t meet many people as down to earth as she is, or as apologetic for that matter.
On a recent trip to the UK we were fortunate enough to spend 3 days with Rianne filming for this Not Here By Luck clip and during that time we lost count how many times she apologised for not landing a trick, a trait we continuously reassured her was not necessary.

There’s a very British politeness to Rianne, a humbleness which is naturally both wholesome and endearing. As we met in Brighton, cruised to the Pier, skated the Level, had a pint in the The Caroline of Brunswick pub, played pool, went to London for a day, sessioned Mile End, got the wrong train back but eventually made it back to Brighton, we couldn’t help but feel grateful to be in the company of someone so genuine and down to earth. Just to give you an idea, she was unemployed at the time of filming but has since gone back to her job at Tesco during a virus epidemic. I mean, talk about brave. Whilst we’re paranoid to even step into a supermarket right now, she’s on the frontlines making sure you lot get your toilet roll stash.
Regardless of her real world job, Rianne is clearly a skater through and through and although she exudes a quiet confidence, it wasn’t always the case in the beginning.

““So when I first started skating I guess I was pretty intimidated about going down to the skate park and not knowing anyone and not knowing how to skate so I used to actually get there at 6 a.m. everyday, padded up with loads of jumpers so if I fell, it wouldn’t hurt as much. I would just practice rock fakies over and over until I landed one. As soon as someone turned up, even if they were on a longboard, even if they didn’t even have a skateboard and were just chilling, I’d be like, ‘oh no, I’m just gonna sit down, I don’t want anyone watching me’, y’know? I had all this emotion about it. But eventually with skateboarding, as soon as you make friends at the skatepark and you’re welcomed as part of the community, then it really helps your skating. People are so supportive and they will pick you up! Not physically (laughs) but mentally”.

Such was her experience within the skateboarding community early on, Rianne now passes it on. Whilst out skating the local parks you can see her applauding anyone and everyone, giving out positive vibes and continuing to push others how she was once pushed herself. She clearly is and will continue to play a huge role in the women’s scene going forward

“Women’s skateboarding now has blown up compared to when I was younger, which I’m so happy to see. There’s so many young girls that are absolutely killing it now. Entering competitions at the age of like, 10! When I was younger there wasn’t any 10 year old girls skating, it just wasn’t a thing. I think with social media, it has really influenced the girl’s skate scene because for us girls it is really intimidating to start a new sport when it’s so male dominated. So with social media connecting us all and being able to share what we’re all doing, I think it influences so many people to be like – ‘you know what? If she can do it, I can do it!”

Production: Nike SB x Wasted Talent
Film & Edit: Robin Pailler
Super 8mm Processing & Scan: on8mil
Art Direction: Lucy Henshall
Music: Chris Crusoe