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FM May 9, 2020July 9th, 2020

Wasted Talent FM #17: Sirus F Gahan

If you’re clued up on your knowledge of skateboard videographers then you’ll know all about Sirus F Gahan.

In all honesty we think he’s one of the best & most underrated filmmakers out there.

Not just that. He’s a bloody marvellous human being. A real gem of a man. One who carries far too much modesty and humility for someone who possesses the skills he has. Not that that’s a bad thing of course.

You only have to look at some of the recent work he’s put out to understand why we hold him in such high regard.

Personally we still think it’s absolutely criminal TULIP has less than 14k views.

That opening line of Matlock Bennett Jones makes us moist with joy every time we watch it.

For those who have followed us for a while; you’ll probably recall Sirus has excellent film taste since he was our second ever film club guest. Well did you know he also has a rather exquisite, albeit eclectic taste in music?

Hence why we asked him to send us a playlist. A playlist designed to ramp up and ultimately quell your anxiety during these bizarre times we’re living in. Enjoy.