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Melanie Pyne is a photographer and documentary filmmaker, based between London & Brighton.

Her work often explores the cultural discourses of identity, whilst embracing diversity of alternative cultures through environmental issues and socio-political events.

Whilst currently working on the social implications of Covid-19, Melanie had some time to revisit the activism she documented in recent times and has kindly shared some of her work and thoughts with us.

“I’ve attached a series of images taken from the activist movements in London over the last year regarding Climate Justice. These are from a series of smaller and larger activist movements. The intension I had with this project was to showcase the plurality of identity in new political movements. Before, we subscribed to identity related subcultures historically, and what I have noticed over recent years is the shift from identity-based difference, to more plural and multi-faceted environmental and political movements. It is really exciting to see the collectivism emerge due to a need of unity against something much bigger than ourselves. Again, in light of what is happening with the Coronavirus, I have had some time to introspect and reflect on the activism I have documented. What comes next after this, will have to focus on this sense of collectivism – which I hope will give way to some progress in relation to how we perceive and act towards the natural world.”