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FM March 31, 2020July 9th, 2020

Wasted Talent FM #12: Pentagram Pizza


This week’s playlist is an onslaught of millennial torture music from Mike Mailman, aka Pentagram Pizza.

If you don’t know him, check out his Instagram for some downright on point cartoons.

One of the OGs of this shit show of a surf industry and insane metal lover, Mike has offered our audience an education. If you think metal involves Slipknot then prepare to be enlightened.

“Here’s a playlist of some of my favorite metal. Bit of everything – but I avoided the usual suspects such as Megadeth and Nickelback. Oops I meant Metallica. Always got them confused since that Bload album when they all cut their hair and started dressing like Canadian streetwalkers. 

Of course there’s a bit of Slayer in there and my absolute favorite GWAR song (besides ‘Asian People’) among more obscure cuts…some traditional stuff in there, some Black Metal, Thrash, Death and the last one is a Doomy kind of dirge thats heavier than well, most of the shit I’ve heard. Oh yeah there’s a few songs with “Cookie Monster” vocals, if you don’t like that sort of stuff well you can always go back to your livestream of the Coldplay dude singing in his bathroom I guess.”
