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As one YouTube comment reads: “Getting new Jake Johnson footage is like finding a $100 bill on the ground”.

While that may be a slight exaggeration, it’s not far off.

In fact before the release of Purple, it almost felt like Jake had fallen off the map entirely. But then that’s why everyone loves him I guess. The guy doesn’t even have Instagram. He’s a enigma. A mystery. Someone who lets his skating do the talking and boy does it talk.

This latest clip by James Cruickshank is a rare insight in Jake’s hometown roots. To celebrate the release of his Jack Purcell Pro, Jake invited the likes of Louie Lopez, Kaue Cossa, Brian Delatorre, Aarron Herrington, Raney Beres, Eddie Cernicky, Otto Ray & Andrew Torralvo to his hometown of State College for a taste of life in central PA.

The result is a a seven minute delight. Kick back and enjoy.