Words: Brett Vergou, Video: Billy Lee-Pope, Photos: Nick Green
Surf trips are an unpredictable mess.
Despite living in the age of technological advancements where we can check swell forecasts at a click of a button, mother nature and climate change love to fuck with our plans.
Yet despite the fuckery of constantly double guessing fake news, we have a knack for making the most of any situation come what may. Which seems to be the notion of Adelio’s most recent trip to Tasmania. We’ll leave it to Adelio co-founder Brett Vergou to explain :

The window was small but the forecast looked all time.
Between Chip’s schedule and mine (not that I needed to be there) and the rest of the team, things looked like we / they were going to score.
The 23rd of May was chosen and it was going to be a simple quick week to 10 day trip to the south coast.
As luck would have it the South coast started to look rancid on the report only 5 days out.
The next back up was going to be South Oz but then the winds looked dicey for that too so Tassie was our next best bet!
The forecast actually looked good too. Mooney even saw hints of Shipsterns possibly working.
From there it was set. Chip, Coby, Robbie and Billy Lee-Pope would all meet Mooney in Hobart on the 23rd and team up with Nick Green.

I was excited that the guys were all together, even though bar Mooney they all live with in a 20 minute drive of one another, but it felt like we were going to score and get some really good clips………..
Fast forward the day of the boys flying out and the forecast as per would it have, changed!
The so called swell kept getting pushed back day by day.
A stint down to Remarks saw some 5 ft close outs for their first day. Nothing to worry about cause there was still so much time on the trip to go.

2nd day…..not much better.
I flew in late on the second night and it looked liked the next morning was going to be smaller but super fun.
A pick up from Hobart air port was Mooney’s only job that night……… an hour later at a deserted airport freezing out side he finally swung round the corner.
I probably shouldn’t have arrived so late because everyone was tired and ready for bed by the time i got there. I felt it was only right for everyone to have a couple more drinks though……

The night ended around 2:30 with Rob and Nick having a skulling contest of beers to which Nick beat him 4 times in a row.
We may as well have kept drinking for the rest of the trip from that point on as the waves just disappeared!
It didn’t help when we only got in the water at 2pm the next day but from there on it it decided to go flat.

I flew out after only 2 days for other commitments but the boys then proceeded to get their cultural aspect on and spend time in Hobart playing pool , Art show’s , Art Exhibitions . Rob had a battle in an Art Exhibition where he put up for grabs a new suit if he could be taken down……Luckily he has thighs and calves the size of a rhino so needles to say he stood his ground.
After so many lay days, the points finally turned on the last day,
Not big but super fun. A few clips were finally had and billy then locked him self away preparing the Non Surf trip clip.
Take 6 minutes and sit back and relax, Enjoy what a typical non wave surf trip looks like.
Big thanks to Billy for filming in the frigid winds of Tasmania and Nick Green on the stills, also for showing us how to take down the man of all men Big Rob in a drinking match