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FM June 27, 2019July 9th, 2020

Wasted Talent FM #5: Ruby Haunt

Wyatt Ininns and Victor Pakpour from  Ruby Haunt  photographed by  Collin Schlesinger .

Wyatt Ininns and Victor Pakpour from Ruby Haunt photographed by Collin Schlesinger.

We’re not sure where we first heard of Ruby Haunt.

A song on a playlist. “Discover weekly. Start radio.” A recommendation from a friend. The odd song here and there. And boom. We were hooked. From the office playlist, to friend’s cars, to overhearing them at parties and apéros. Ruby Haunt became the soundtrack to our immediate universe and beyond. It’s hard to pin them to a genre. Just listen. And listen some more. Open your Spotify right now and put on Destroyer. See what we’re talking about? Need more proof? Try (The Death of Ruby).

Did you ever get obsessed by a band, to the point of rinsing all their albums and reading all your you can find about them in a day? Well, this is what happened when we first discovered the duo formed by Wyatt Ininns and Victor Pakpour. Although despite our research, and a few articles here and there, we didn’t find much to feed from. So we took it upon ourselves and got in touch. We’ll keep the details undisclosed for now, as we’d rather have you discover it on the pages of our newest print magazine Wasted Talent V — which you can get free of charge from our online store.

Although we happen to have something else for your immediate consumption… We’re strong believers that learning from people’s inspirations often reveals more about their personalities than sending them a Q&A. So with our new coffee shop in partnership with Waxed opening below our office, we needed a playlist refreshment and we thought that asking Wyatt and Victor what they have been listening to of late was a good way to open it en beauté.

Without further ado – Ruby Haunt.