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Our friends at Adelio have been putting together an army of East Australian goofy footers, slowly gearing up for world domination!

After Chippa Wilson and Jai Walsh, our favorite rubber label has just put Coby Perkovich on their team. To be completely honest, we hadn’t seen much from Coby before his name started popping up regularly on our feed, mostly due to Adelio affiliate and filmmaker extraordinaire Dan Scott, who has put a lot of hours filming the man of late. As you’ll see demonstrated in his above welcome clip, Coby truly deserves the exposure he’s been given of late. Those oops! His energy whilst pumping down the line!  And a …Lost logo, which paired with the flair on these carves doesn’t go without reminding us of a certain Cory Lopez in the all time cult What´s Really Going´On…   

A well deserved deal indeed, which we hope will lead to more clips appearances of him in the near future.

P.S: We’re doing a little cleaning of the old stock-room and are knocking the prices on these Adelio suits… an occasion to clad yourself in the finest neoprene we know off for the upcoming season — head here x

Retail Therapy…