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After releasing Vol I we said we’d make another magazine…

We hinted at a date that seemed reasonably close, but deadlines are there to be broken, so here we were… 6 months late, but here nonetheless.

And we almost dared to say “sorry”, but we didn’t, as we’ve had a blast making it… Filmers crying and fearing for their lives in South Africa, setting fire to bicycles in Copenhagen (they don’t burn). Secret points in Mexico, the Western Seaboard of Canada, touring Europe for Kai’s latest film. Barcelona. Amsterdam. Touring Europe for no other reason than we love it and it gets us in so much trouble and trouble is nor friend nor foe, but always a companion. Nearly quit. Fell in love with it again and carried on to the rooftops of New York and the gutters of Milan. Spent time in our little corner of France with a variety of crew and serving ourselves a delicious reminder that it truly is an amazing place and we wouldn’t swap it for the world.

Receiving the first print copies and tearing them appart straight away at one our most memorable releases to date at House of Vans London was a blast, and if you still haven’t managed to get your hands on one, please feel free to send us a message as we’ve still got a few loose copies hanging around the office…