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If you attended Volume IV’s release party in Hossegor, you already had the chance to lay your eyes on Brendon Gibbens’ new film.

“Homebody” is a compilation of Brendon’s past year travelling and surfing around the world: From corners of the old continent we’re quite familiar with to Australian slabs we’re less accustomed to, and the obligatory visit to his beautiful home country of South Africa, the video is a fantastic display of surf filmmaking. Beeg is at the top of his game and the video itself featuring a banging soundtrack (Pale Saints!) is flawless on all points. The best is to let you plug some decent speakers and your widest screen and judge by yourself.

But there’s more to it…..

If you happen to live in Amsterdam or Rome, you’ll have another chance to watch “Homebody” on a big screen, as the video is part of the “Lacertilia tour” in which Brendon, Chippa Wilson, Dion Agius and Jay Davies are making their way around Europe and screening a collection of new short surf films, and having already laid our eyes on them, we can’t urge you enough to not miss the show…

Check out the latest details via our Instagram page and catch the reptilian train!