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Picture das set-up... Photo:  Ken Hake .

Picture das set-up… Photo: Ken Hake.

How did a little surf /skate magazine climb in bed with Porsche?

We don’t know either but we’re headed to Germany to find out!

Germany, a place we adore! Why? Das beers! The people! The quiet but ruthless efficiency! And the cars, oh the cars! We are closet car fans here at WT, and outside of our office you’ll find a collection of nice varying to shit cars. All German. We love the French but they can’t make cars, however the wine is highly recommended. 

So when our friends at Marine Machine called and asked if we’d like to be involved in a festival of vintage Porsches and longboarding on the island of Sylt (which after the duct tape we’ve know fallen in love with) we said “Ja Klar!”. Flights were booked and bags were packed. 

And now we’re at Hamburg airport, trying to find the most affordable rental Porsche we can. It’s called fitting it.

See you there mein freunden!
