The Gudauskas’ Paradise Projects website has been delivering off late.
After their edit in pumping J-Bay, the three brothers are back at it in the best of ways with “Project Yellow”, a mixed bag of their recent trips around the globe. On top of featuring some 16mm footage filmed by Tanner himself, the edit clearly dissociates itself from the mass by its editing style. We’re talking full moons in the background of Kelly Slater’s surf ranch, a Bell’s section cut to the Melvins, and extract from the “The Earth” album by Rod McKuen’s San Sebastian Strings. All these subtleties that gives the edit a unique flavor, and makes it incredibly pleasant to watch.
Here is what Tanner—who directed the project—has to say about how the edit came about:
“Overall, Project Yellow came about after being in Bells Beach to watch Patrick surf one of the best contest of his life. My relationship with Patrick has always been one thing, competitive as fuck. We have pushed each other to surf at our best over the last 10 years of traveling together. To be frank, I definitely wouldn’t be the surfer I am today without Pat. I was insanely proud for him to work hard and requalify. When he asked me to come caddy for him at Bells I was honored and stoked to be there. Up in the dark every morning, on the prowl for waves and hungry for heats. Yellow comes from the electrifying color of Pat’s quiver. A color he chose last year deep on the WQS to give him every advantage to look zesty in the judges eyes. He told me before every heat he listened to THE MELVINS, so the song choice for the edit seemed natural to pick a Melvins hit, bringing all of us a little closer to what Pat was thinking in those heats.
The wave pool section. It’s so fun to see the opinions of wave pools and man-made surfing playing out. Since qualifying, Patrick has gained unlimited access to the Lemoore hideaway to be able to practice competing in the event that will be held there this September. Therefore, the Patty Caddy would get the illusive call up to see that inland Indonesian surf glory. With the onslaught of continuous wave pool media, I felt really proud of how we treated the wave pool in the edit. It’s fun. That’s what that pool is. Enter the green screen and exit the backdrop. The experience did feel like a dream. It is rather surreal to know you are in the heart of agricultural California and in 3 minutes the best wave you’ve had this year is about to come off the tail of that robotic arm.
The montage section has always been a dream of mine. I always wanted to duel Patrick video-wise in a section. He is a freak with natural creativity and aggression. That’s the recipe for fun! In the section we span from Namibia and South Africa, back to Bells and out in California. Life is cool.”