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It’s no secret we love a good underdog.

Ain’t underdogs simply the best. The corse hair, the speckled coat, the tails that wag and oh those puppy eyes! 

If Gatien’s name doesn’t ring a bell, we don’t blame you. Although we won’t accept that as an excuse after this clip. Gatien Delahaye is a young ripper hailing from Guadeloupe, French Caribbean. We’ve mentioned his name many a time in our office as on top of having one of the smoothest back hands in Europe, he grew up with several WT associates, including Tito Lavole & Yentl Touboul, who sent us this when asked about Gatien: 

Gatien started hanging out and surfing with our crew when I was 12 or 13 and he must have been 10 or something. At the time he was the youngest and smallest of the bunch. Then before we knew, he came back from a summer in France and was taller than all of us, was landing massive backside airs and was kicking our asses in all the local comps. Quite embarrassing, knowing the fact he was 2 age categories under all of us. Anyway, Gatien is now a fully grown but yet incredibly funny individual, and a ridiculously talented surfer. If you’ve ever surfed with him, you know the experience is quite baffling, wether it is in 3 foot on-shore ramps, or in 6 foot double ups.”

We’ll leave it with the fact that Gatien doesn’t have a main sponsor, and that this clip was filmed over 3 days at home….