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Watching a skate video on a surf tour is a pretty usual thing to do.  

Watching a surf video on a skate trip doesn’t happen that often on the other hand. But it’s what I found myself doing this morning, watching the new RAGE promo as we’re getting ready to hit the streets.

We’ve been waiting for this one to drop for a while – firstly being teased by the Instagram extracts, and more recently watching the boys having a great time premiering it all over Australia – and using the very rare bit of Bosnian bandwidth available to watch it was fully worth it. Just like for the first opus of the series (available bellow) Toby Cregan did a great job at capturing the vibe of hitting the road with your friends, in a raw and candid way that will hype you up to do the same.

As good business men the boys now are, they made the video only available via their website, and we can’t urge you enough to head this way and play RAGE 2.