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When I think of India, I really don’t think about an ideal place to skate.

Although that’s where Fries Taillieu and filmmaker Kaius Potter recently headed to film for AFENDS’ new film: “Broadcasting Good Vibes”. The pair came back with this sick little section, and we will leave it to Kaius to explain more about the challenges they faced whilst filming on location: 

“The trip to India was planned to put us both out of our comfort zones, where we would really have to work hard to create something out of the ordinary.

We were rising in the dark at 5am every morning and hitting spots in New Delhi before the overpopulated crowds of the city came out, which literally made it impossible to get anything done. None of the spots were ideal, with a lot of work going into every one just to make them skateable by clearing the dust and rubbish. The reaction we got from the passers by was pretty astounding, crowds of 100 would gather at spots watching us work with their eyes peeled on Fries the whole time. 

After a week of slogging it out in New Delhi, we were both exhausted so finished the trip out in the desert, where we could take it a bit easier before going our seperate ways. We ended up finding some cheese grater drains which ran for miles under the backdrop of rolling mountains. It was one of those trips where it was so hard to get anything done but the satisfaction was unlike any other.”

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