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Remember we told you about this one not long ago

When discovering the movie for the first time a few days ago in Berlin for the BESA awards, it completely blew our minds… Was it due to the overdose of stoke created by a chemical reaction between our dear Augustiners and Berlin’s finest Kebabs…?

After watching the video a second time in a quiet environment, we can confirm that Carhartt’s video was the cause of it all. And now is the time for you to experience it.

“TAV” is the latest video from the Carhartt skate team, and the least we can say is that these guys have been absolutely killing it off late. After releasing their new collaboration with Paccbet, the brand just dropped “TAV” on the cyberspace.

The video starts with an intro featuring Felipe Bartolomé, Sammy Winter, Igor Fardin, Sylvain Tognelli, Tolia Titaev, Bram De Cleen, Joseph Biais and Josh Pall, but as you can guess by the title… there’s more to it… This video mainly celebrates the introduction of Remy Taveira, one of our favorite European skaters to their team. Cut to a mix of Hans Richter’s surreal Dadaist work that fits perfectly Remy’s frenetic skating, Guillaume Perimony‘s clip is definitely one of the best videos we’ve seen so far in 2018, and we can’t urge you enough to watch it.