Of all the great personalities we’ve met in 2017, Simon Källkvist is definitely a character to remember.
Tom Botwid, creator of Swedish skate brand Poetic Collective (sponsor of Simon) does a great job at describing him with a quick anecdote:
“I first met Simon many years ago when he was just a little kid, he was always in the corner skating flat ground, doing every flat trick, always in the most worn down gear. Since then he has grown into a man and taken those flat tricks in and out of tricks and stairs everywhere.
One thing that hasn’t changed though is that even though I now supply him with boards and Cons supply him with shoes he still somehow always manages to have the most worn down gear!”
Dive into his new part by Markus Bengtsson for our friends Place, and stay tuned for more of the Collective boys.
We’ve got a little surprise in the works for our next print issue…