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You, like us, enjoy a good knees up. And you, like us, are probably in the South West of France.

Is there any finer place then the South West of France in Autumn?! We think not… We also have it on good authority that there is a surf competition in town, and we hope the usual shit show that accompanies it. To that end there might be waves, but there will most definitely be parties of varying descriptions, always winding up late and always fun.


When? Monday October 9th. 

Where? WAXED, 48 Allee des Pins Tranquilles, Hossegor.

-Why? Johanna Olk is an old friend of ours, and we are huge fans of her work. Thanks to the fine Folks at RVCA and our favorite lil coffee shop WAXED we have the opportunity to showcase a selection of her work Soleils Éteints. We’ve had a sneak preview and it looks amazing. If you can’t make it, the installation will be there all week, however we recommend coming to soak up the good vibes and clink a glass or two in the name of art!


When? Thursday October 12th.

Where? Cafe de Paris, 547 Avenue du Touring Club, Hossegor.

Why? Are you familiar with Pintball? No? Well you should be. We promise it is fun and the good folk at Volcom are doing (clue is in the name) free pints! 


When? Friday 13th of October.

Where? La Chapelle de la Plage, 768 Boulevard de la Dune, Hossegor.

Why? Oh Eurothrash. We’ve been working on this beast for a little while and we can’t wait to unveil it. We had an avant premiere in Paris which from what we remember was really fun. So we have the main event, in a church, and then afterwards a little afterparty at place we know called Coolin…. There will be Corona. And the film is highly recommended viewing.


When? Saturday October 14th.

Where? Warehouse 4, 86 avenue des artisans, ZA de Pedebert, 40150 Soorts-Hossegor.

Why? Joe G and Kai’s latest creations should be more than enough to drag you over to the industrial estate to sink a beer or several. The bar tab is looking pretty healthy as it stands (thank you Monster), and we’ll also have the large majority of the Epøkhe team in attendance. Come drank.