Hi, we’re new and it’s nice to make your acquaintance.
Well, actually we’ve been around a bit. But more in the shadows. On the fringes. At the forefront, but thoroughly behind the scenes. It’s been a little while coming.
112 pages of a lot of blood, sweat and tears. Encapsulated on 115gsm coated matt paper. It’s been a hell of a ride getting this into your hands. There have been ups and downs. Crazy highs and manic lows. From the damp fields of Ireland, to the dusty trails of Morocco. Red wine in Bordeaux and Absinthe in Barcelona. Driving across Spain with a van full of soft toys. It’s been pretty fucking weird at times in all honesty – it’s been real. We’re a little rough around the edges, eyes a little bloodshot, some late nights, some early mornings but here we are.
We made this magazine and now it’s available for your hands and eyes, free of charge from all good retailers EU wide. Just email us with your location at and we will tell you where to find it.
If you want us to send you a copy, we can do so via here.
But we couldn’t of done it without you. So thank you for being here with us. Thanks for reading, engaging, sticking one finger to the status quo, and just generally being you. And to that end we would like to you come and send it with us, ideally to the moon and back, but we must begin at Heads Brewery, Seignosse, France on the 24th.
Here’s to a fun future.
Wasted Talent Vol.1.
Featuring: Noa Deane, Ryan Burch, Paul Hart, Brendon Gibbens, Fries Taillieu, Clementine Creevy, Victor Pellegrin, Conor Maguire, Leo Valls, Ales Amor, Gearoid Mcdaid, William Aliotti, Alex Bothelo, Jack Whitefield and more.