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“There is never any ending to Paris and the memory of each person who has lived in it differs from that of any other. We always returned to it no matter who we were or how it was changed or with what difficulties, or ease, it could be reached. Paris was always worth it and you received return for whatever you brought to it”

E. Hemingway. A Moveable Feast

We couldn’t agree more. We’ve ended the trip in the cradle of european civilisation. We’ve eurothrashed our hardest and given it our all and the old continent was been more than forthcoming in returning the favour. We rolled in from Bordeaux on the TGV( high speed train) and ever since life has been just fine. We’ve fine dined and drunk the best of wines. The Magret is to die for and must be ordered á pointe and the Cote de Rhone to accompany is de rigeur. There’s a pre election protest happening outside of our hotel right now but all is well. Armed troops on the street but life must go on – as our hotel receptionist tells us with a hint of defiance

“On a l’habitude, Ici c’est Paris”

We’ve walked and talked on the spring banks of the River Seine and Paris in bloom and by god is it beautiful. It’s given us a certain sense of perspective on the whole trip. Surrounded by buildings that outdate us and our perception of the world by centuries. miles, concretes the idea that we have given it our all. We’ve really sent it. From all time Cave, to fine dining in Paris to turning it up San Sebastian and everything in-between. Super Bocks. Toll Roads. Trains. Vans. Pintxos, Hysterical Laughter. Hangovers bad enough to make grown men cry. 15 man surf checks. 15 man bar crawls. Dinners. Breakfasts. 3 hour lunches. Suspicious bottles of water. “Where’s my wetsuit”. The eternal fin key hunt. Red Wine. White Wine.

However we can’t help but feel humbled here. A City whose streets given birth or played host to; De Gaulle, Chopin, Bardot, Hemingway, Baudelaire, Napoleon, Debussy, Monet, Orwell, Edith Piaf. Fuck it even Coco Chanel at a push. Eurothrash has been a hell of a trip but it’s all in perspective. Long may thrashing around Europe continue, in the same way that many greater figures then us have done before. We’re not the first. We’re here right now and we fucking hope we’re not the last.

We’re a little tired but wearing a wry smile, a nod of the head and a knowing look under baggy eyes. Give us a moment to rest up and we’d do it all again tomorrow.



“We ate well and cheaply and drank well and cheaply and slept well”

Ernest Hemingway. A Moveable Feast